Channel: Flower Fridays | Wondrance Weddings by Rachel Mueller-Lust
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Flower Fridays: Aster


Autumn flower bouquet with AsterAster is a symmetrical beauty that is perfect for this time of year. We have lavender colored wild asters growing everywhere in our neighborhood. They are one of the last blooming flowers to resist the cold before winter arrives so I am delighted that they prolong my garden. They range in size from tiny-petaled blooms to large showy blossoms and they are available in so many colors from bright pinks to burned oranges. You can match your wedding colors easily. The name Aster comes from the ancient Greek word that means “star” referring to the shape of the flower head. And in the meaning of flowers, Aster’s sentiment is, “I will think of you.” Happy Halloween!

You, Therefore
By Reginald Shepherd

For Robert Philen

You are like me, you will die too, but not today:
you, incommensurate, therefore the hours shine:
if I say to you “To you I say,” you have not been
set to music, or broadcast live on the ghost
radio, may never be an oil painting or
Old Master’s charcoal sketch: you are
a concordance of person, number, voice,
and place, strawberries spread through your name
as if it were budding shrubs, how you remind me
of some spring, the waters as cool and clear
(late rain clings to your leaves, shaken by light wind),
which is where you occur in grassy moonlight:
and you are a lily, an aster, white trillium
or viburnum, by all rights mine, white star
in the meadow sky, the snow still arriving
from its earthwards journeys, here where there is
no snow (I dreamed the snow was you,
when there was snow), you are my right,
have come to be my night (your body takes on
the dimensions of sleep, the shape of sleep
becomes you): and you fall from the sky
with several flowers, words spill from your mouth
in waves, your lips taste like the sea, salt-sweet (trees
and seas have flown away, I call it
loving you): home is nowhere, therefore you,
a kind of dwell and welcome, song after all,

XOXO Rachel

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